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Desktop Wallpapers For Mac

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by tersjunklobssur1982 2020. 3. 11. 07:12


Vlad Gerasimov is a prolific and talented artist who offers desktop wallpapers in multiple sizes. They're suitable for the iPad, iPhone, iPhone 4, 21-inch iMac, 27-inch iMac, MacBook Air, and 24-inch and 30-inch Apple Cinema Displays, as well as other desktop and portable Macs. Images include snowmen, snowflakes, icicles, Christmas trees, flying Santas, Siberian winters, penguins, and a Christmas train. You'll also find Christmas and other e-cards and animated e-cards on Vlad's site, as well as apps and games for the iPad and iPhone. Wallcoo.net offers hundreds of holiday wallpapers from around the world; images include photos, paintings, and illustrations.

Desktop Wallpapers For Mac

The wallpapers are available in multiple sizes, and many are available in widescreen as well as standard formats. Images include Santa Claus in numerous poses and situations, snowmen, angels, teddy bears, Disneyland displays, candy canes, Christmas stockings, Christmas trees, ornaments, outdoor scenes, clay dolls, pets, cartoons, fantasy illustrations, and scenes from The Night Before Christmas, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and other storybooks.

You can download both Mojave Day and Mojave Night below and use them your on Mac (or other device) without updating your machine to the first developer beta release of macOS 10.14. MacOS Mojave also introduces a new dynamic wallpaper format that uses Location Services to update your wallpaper based on time of day. See it in action using the slider. While macOS typically uses JPEG images for the files that make desktop wallpapers, the new dynamic wallpaper relies on the relatively new. The wallpaper then updates based on local sunrise and sunset times — but you’ll need macOS Mojave to use it.


Desktop Wallpaper For Mac 2560x1440

MacOS does have a ‘Change Every:’ option that lets you cycle through multiple wallpapers in a collection, but the time intervals are not ideal for day and night switching. For now, you can download and start using both Mojave Day and Mojave Night below.